Blog Posts

Final Performances

Final Performances

In June, Rebekah put on a small performance for close friends and family. This was a celebration of what she's learned, as well as a fund-raiser for her Summer Intensives and classes this fall. We tried to record it so people who couldn't be there live could see...

My Life’s Soundtrack

My Life’s Soundtrack

Imagine your life...your most pivotal memories...what song was playing during that time? If you can't figure out how to start, try going about it the opposite way. When you hear certain songs, very specific scenes appear, right? Start collecting those, and then pare...

Looking Back

Looking Back

Looking Back  We've all been there.  I suspect that by the time people hit adulthood, pretty much everyone has experienced something that, in retrospect, they should have left far earlier than they did. A friendship or relationship that wasn't healthy. A church where...

The stories we don’t know

The stories we don’t know

A little while ago, my husband saw a woman throw a cup of hot coffee into a garbage can near the entrance of Universal's CityWalk. As in, throw. As in, the family near the can almost got splashed. Pretty careless of her, wasn't it? Why couldn't she have taken one more...

My Health Story

My Health Story

It all started a month or so after my father-in-law’s heart attack.When I was up half the night with horrible heartburn that wouldn’t subside (And I started worrying was a heart attack), I got checked out. My heart was fine, but the doctor wanted me to get to a doctor...

It’s All In The Past

It’s All In The Past

Stories. They're so important, aren't they? Here are four I've heard in the past couple weeks. They are all about COVID and specifically the vaccine, but they could be about anything.  1. Sarah*  has a child who suffers from asthma. Avoiding a virus that seems to...

But I don’t want to go there!

But I don’t want to go there!

What do we KNOW about Noah building the ark? "Build a large boat from cypress wood," and then God gave him some dimensions.     "So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him." (Gen 6:22 NLT)Now imagine you're Noah. Which of the following sounds more...

Church Talk

Church Talk

My parents witnessed a traumatic church split when I was a baby (half the congregation walked out mid-service). After that, my dad paid a lot more attention to the Spirit and left situations before they got to that point.I have done the same, recognizing that the...

Comfort versus Improvement

Comfort versus Improvement

We all long for comfort.  Even more than improvement, subconsciously we want consistency. So we put up with "less than" in favor of familiar. When I read books, watch movies, etc, I see life change and I know the character longs for the "good ol' days." Because that's...