Blog Posts

Coffee part 2

Coffee part 2

Have I told you how much I love coffee? The sound of the coffee pot gurgling... the smell... that first sip...  I love it all. (well, maybe not the coffee breath that follows) Last August I realized I was feeling jittery and exhausted immediately after having my...

Decaf Coffee

Decaf Coffee

Coffee is important to me. When we opened our Airbnb, I included the word "coffee" (as in "this is an ideal place to drink coffee") in virtually every picture I posted.  It used to have to have caffeine. Not that I always needed, or even wanted, the energy, but...

Disney as a local

Disney as a local

First off, we live in the shadow of Cinderella Castle. Before we moved to Central Florida, we used to come down here from Buffalo every winter for a beautiful, exhausting week at the Parks.  In early 2013, we moved down here, and yes, proximity to Disney was one of...

Homeschooling, year 11

Homeschooling, year 11

We homeschooled long before Coronavirus. Let me tell you: what most people experienced this past spring was nothing like what we do. That's why most homeschoolers insist that what the rest of the world was doing wasn't really homeschooling.  It did make for some...



I'm going to start with an introduction. Kind of odd when I've been using this website for the past several years, but when you consider how many times I've changed the direction of this site, it makes more sense. I'm Charla. I live in beautiful Central Florida with...



It always seems so see someone change courses and find something they're passionate about and run toward it with all their heart. But being on the side of the one getting ready to change course...let me tell you, it's terrifying. I've...

Our other kids

Our other kids

I write about our three children all the time. Their pictures are scattered all over this website. But we consider that we have several other children. Kids we've never actually met, but who we love very much. The oldest is one that Josh and his sister sponsored when...

ACTION update: March

ACTION update: March

It's now mid-March. How's my action coming? First off, I'm realizing that I've bitten off more than I can chew. So I'm changing my schedule for some things, and I'm choosing to be okay with that.   make tamales make macarons make Manti (a Turkish ravioli-style...

Action: Month 2

Action: Month 2

2019 is my year of Action. And boy, does that mean something different than I expected! First of all, life throws curve balls. 10 days ago, I fell and landed on my tailbone. Like, directly on it. I'm pretty sure it's just bruised and not fractured (the treatment is...