Organizing Life
We’re busy. Whether we work outside the home or not, just the fact that we’re raising dancers means our lives take on a rhythm unique to the dance world.
I may have an exaggerated schedule, because in addition to dance classes, I’m also working at the front desk for the bulk of the studio’s open hours. It means we leave the same time every day, but it also means I have to pack supper every evening (and for a different number of people each day).
Here’s what I’ve currently found to streamline our dance-night process:

I figure out meals for the week and shop before the week starts. I make sure dinners are portable and good out of the cooler, and that they’re a good combination of protein and carbs so the dancers have the energy-refueling they need.
The kids are responsible for their water bottles getting filled and brought to the car, as well as a snack for between back-to-back classes.
The kids each have a dance bag at the door with all dance shoes in it.
They have to be dressed an hour before we leave (so there’s no last-second “where’s my leotard??” panic)
What have you done to simplify the process? Any pointers that would help us move more easily and with less panic? Feel free to suggest your thoughts on FB or Instagram!