Bathroom Renovation: Part 1
We’re getting a new bathroom.
It’s not really what I wanted right now. We thought it was a nice bathroom (minus the hideous very-1998 border that DEFINITELY was on its way out). The green countertops were very 1998 too, but at least they were in good shape.
But do you see that yucky spot on the wall next to the shower?
Yeah. That’s not healthy. There’s an insane amount of water in the walls. Apparently the shower pan is broken. (I don’t know what that is, but that’s what everyone who understands plumbing/bathrooms tells us). Insurance is involved, and we’re paying the difference to go ahead and update the whole bathroom.
We’re having someone do the work for us (because we can only do surface stuff, like painting and replacing mirrors). He’s planning to start this week, so we have some work to do getting everything cleared out for him!
Today we bought the tiles for the shower and floor, and tomorrow we’ll start pulling everything out of the bathroom and closet so he can start working!
Here are the before pictures: