


I’m realizing lately that I still need a place to write about life. To record the stories that mean things to us at the moment.

Last night Josh and I were talking about our trip to Hawaii early in our marriage, and we realized how hazy the memories were now. My Turkey recollections are even more vague.

So I’m going to start using part of my site for my own life. I’m keeping it the way I keep the rest of my site: if people want to comment they can email me. But I have no expectations of consistency, and sometimes I might even post and not include pictures! Because it’s MY life and MY site, so it seems reasonable to expect that I can break the rules I set for myself!



If you show your son a picture of himself, three years ago, doing something cute…


Then when he gets a new large animal for Christmas…

He’s going to ask for a repeat of the shoot.

And when his sisters see how much fun he’s having,

they’ll want to get in on the fun.

When they decide they like being in front of the camera again,

They’ll ask you to keep shooting.

And when they see all these pictures on Facebook, they’ll want to look at other pictures.

Which will show them others they loved. So you know the next question is…

“Can we reshoot this one?”